
Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World Thomas Sowell classic educational economics video – Common Sense in a Senseless World. Source: Free To Choose Media
Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World
The Singing Revolution

Video of FCC’s Ajit Pai on Net Neutrality
FCC’s Ajit Pai on Net Neutrality
Duck Tales Money Duplicator

John F. Kennedy Secret Society Speech
John F. Kennedy Secret Society Speech

Video of Rand Paul on Bill Maher’s Real Time.
Rand Paul on Real Time with Bill Maher

Naomi Wolf presents ‘The End of America’ highlighting the similarities between the rise of Naziism in Hitler’s Germany with the bend toward totalitarianism in America.
Naomi Wolf: ‘The End of America’ Revisited

Watch parts 1 and 2 for free: PBS Frontline – United States of SecretsRead the transcript: United States of Secrets full transcript
PBS Frontline United States of Secrets

‘Do Something’ by Matthew West
Do Something
Abby Martin’s Empire Files
Mises Media: Audio/Video on Austrian Economics RSBN Right Side Broadcasting Network Stream
RSBN Right Side Broadcasting Network Stream Mises Institute Economics In One Lesson Video Series. Based on the book by economist Henry Hazlitt
Mises Economics in One Lesson Video Series
Just the News Youtube Channel
Russ Roberts EconTalk Interview Channel

Source: American Rhetoric Every one of these funny labels they put on you, those of you who are watching this broadcast tonight in the projects, on the corners, I understand. Call you outcast, low down, you can’t make it, you’re nothing, you’re from nobody, subclass, underclass; when you see Jesse […]
Jesse Jackson 1988 DNC Address
Academy of Ideas

Source: Wikileaks
Collateral Murder
Tracy Beanz Channel
Millennial Millie Investigative Reports Video News Animusic Animated Music ANIMUSIC = Animation + Music Watch Animusic videos on Youtube
Animusic Animated Music Shows Archive

Source: DemocracyNOW!
Glenn Greenwald on DemocracyNOW! 6-1-15

Rand Paul’s May 20 2015 10+ hour filibuster of the attempted reauthorization of Patriot Act Section 215 bulk collection of civilian phone records, contemporary to the USA Freedom act, calling for further reforms: Full Transcript Full length video: Rand Paul’s March 6 and 7 2013 12 hour 52 minute filibuster […]
Senator Rand Paul Filibuster Videos, Transcripts
Gun Control Campaign Commercial

Source: Anthony Terrell for MSNBC Kelley Paul, the wife of Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul, received a warm welcome from a crowd of mostly women in a private home where she stopped to promote her new book,“True and Constant Friends.” “I want to support Rand however I can,” Kelley […]
Kelley Paul ‘True and Constant Friends’ Book Tour

I, Pencil the Movie
Won’t Get Fooled Again

YAL promo video (Young Americans for Liberty)
YAL Promo Channel

Mathematics video lessons from 3 Blue 1 Brown. Tutorials and informational videos for learning advanced maths.
3 Blue 1 Brown Mathematics Video Lessons

For Liberty Movie: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty in the 2008 and 2012 US Presidential elections.
For Liberty – The Ron Paul Revolution Movie Our Vision A world committed to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our Mission To promote what is true, what is excellent, and what is noble through digital media. What We Do We make exceptional video content that advances Judeo-Christian values. We distribute that content through a sophisticated […]
Prager U

Listen to free audiobooks on YouTube. No need for an mp3 player:
Listen to Free Audiobooks on Youtube
Awakening Greatly Qanon Video Channel

Animation and music by Cristobal Vila of More videos at the Youtube Channel
Cristobal Vila Music Animation

“Daisy”, sometimes known as “Daisy Girl” or “Peace, Little Girl”, was a controversial political advertisement aired on television in 1964 for Lyndon Baines Johnson.
LBJ 1964 Campaign Commercial Is what happened to Assange a reflection of free media in your country? You have no moral right to talk about free media. Why do you keep Assange in prison? Journalism? ~Biased Media Is Controlling Western Perception
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on Western Media
The Weight

Source: How does LBRY benefit content consumers? Why should I bother caring? Do you watch YouTube? Imagine paying a few cents to eliminate all ads. 100% of the payment will go directly to the content creator – and they’ll still be earning more than YouTube offers, so they’ll want […] Decentralized YouTube, BitTorrent Alternative

Source: TED
TED Talks Lecture Videos

Source: DemocracyNOW! Part 1 of the Assange interview begins at 11:05: Part 2 of the Assange interview begins at 13:25:
Julian Assange Interview on DemocracyNOW! 5-28-15
Animated No Agenda Video Channel
Dylan Ratigan on Money In Politics CITIZENFOUR is a real life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving audiences unprecedented access to filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s encounters with Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass indiscriminate and illegal invasions of privacy by the National […]

Source: The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald: Oliver’s overall discussion is good (and, naturally, quite funny), but the specific point he wants to make here is misguided. Contrary to what Oliver says, it’s actually not surprising at all that a large number of Americans are unaware of who Snowden is, nor […]
John Oliver Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden

‘What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You’ by Awaken with JP. This video was banned for ‘violating Youtube’s Terms of Service.’
What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You
Citizens of the American Republic Channel
EYE DROP Media Channel
Intercept Channel Garry Kasparov Documentary: Game Over
Game Over: Garry Kasparov & The Machine Source: The Network – Metro Goldwyn Mayer