
TUDelft Open CourseWare MOOC “OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free and open digital publication of high quality university‐level educational materials… Delft University of Technology has joined the Open Education Consortium in offering the world free access to certain course content online. TU Delft OpenCourseWare (OCW) seeks to capitalize on the potential of the internet […]

TUDelft Open Courseware

Wolfram Alpha “Wolfram|Alpha is a unique engine for computing answers and providing knowledge. It works by using its vast store of expert-level knowledge and algorithms to automatically answer questions, do analysis and generate reports. LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS New kinds of algorithms for 1,000+ domains CURATED DATA 10+ trillion pieces of data from […]

Wolfram Alpha Research Search Engine

Ballotpedia Electoral Encyclopedia   Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. We are firmly committed to neutrality in our content.   As a nonprofit, our mission is to […]

Ballotpedia Electoral Encyclopedia

Frederic Bastiat Collection As Murray N. Rothbard noted: “Bastiat was indeed a lucid and superb writer, whose brilliant and witty essays and fables to this day are remarkable and devastating demolitions of protectionism and of all forms of government subsidy and control. He was a truly scintillating advocate of an untrammeled free […]

Frederic Bastiat Collection at

Not the Babylon Bee News Not the Bee is a humor-based news, opinion, and entertainment site from the creators of The Babylon Bee… Like the name suggests, it’ll feature some absurd and hilarious (but real) news that seems like it should definitely be satire.   It’ll also have opinions, videos, personalities, memes, viral stuff, […]

Not the Babylon Bee News

The Babylon Bee Satire News The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.   The Babylon Bee was created ex nihilo on the eighth day of the creation week, exactly 6,000 years ago. We have […]

Babylon Bee Satire News

Patrick Byrne Deep Capture Wall Street Corruption The crimes are the work of Wall Street hedge fund managers and brokers who engage in a common trading strategy known as short-selling. A short sale is a way of making money when the price of a stock goes down. You borrow shares from someone else and immediately sell […]

Deep Capture Wall Street Corruption

1776 Report Trump Commisssion
Donald Trump President’s Advisory Commission 1776 Report is an historical accounting of United States History at the time of its founding. 1776 Commission—comprised of some of America’s most distinguished scholars and historians—has released a report presenting a definitive chronicle of the American founding, a powerful description of the effect the […]

1776 Commission Scholarly Report

Pacific Legal Liberty Lawyers Pacific Legal Foundation is a nonprofit legal organization that defends Americans’ liberties when threatened by government overreach and abuse. We sue the government when it violates Americans’ constitutional rights—and win! Each year, PLF represents hundreds of Americans, free of charge, who seek to improve their lives but are stymied […]

Pacific Legal Pro Bono Liberty Lawyers

Liberty First Legal
CLICK HERE TO GO TO LIBERTYFIRST.LEGAL !!! About Liberty First Legal Liberty First Legal (LFL) was birthed in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis as church-targeting and persecution spread under the guise of “safety measures,” and due process of business owners and private citizens were trampled by extra-constitutional […]

Liberty First Legal

Liberapay Monetization Paywall People who contribute to the commons need you to support their work. Building free software, spreading free knowledge, these things take time and cost money, not only to do the initial work, but also to maintain it over time. Liberapay’s recurrent donations system is designed to provide a stable […]

Liberapay Creator Monetization Paywall The Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom (C4SIF) is dedicated to building public awareness of the manner in which laws and policies impede innovation, creativity, communication, learning, knowledge, emulation, and information sharing. We are for property rights, free markets, competition, commerce, cooperation, and the voluntary sharing of knowledge, […]

C4SIF Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom

Ilham Aliyev Azerbaijan Fake News Is what happened to Assange a reflection of free media in your country? You have no moral right to talk about free media. Why do you keep Assange in prison? Journalism? ~Biased Media Is Controlling Western Perception

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on Western Media

Consortium News When we founded in 1995 – as the first investigative news magazine based on the Internet – there was already a crisis building in the U.S. news media. The mainstream media was falling into a pattern of groupthink on issue after issue, often ignoring important factual information because […]

Consortium News

Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a project of Dr. Paul’s Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (F.R.E.E.), founded in the 1970s as an educational organization. The Institute continues and expands Dr. Paul’s lifetime of public advocacy for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of […]

Ron Paul Institute

KrisAnne Hall About KrisAnne Hall KrisAnne is now the president of Liberty First University and travels the country teaching the foundational principles of Liberty and our Constitutional Republic. KrisAnne is the author of 6 books on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, she also has a nationally syndicated radio show and […]

KrisAnne Hall, Constitutional Attorney

Michael Scheuer's Non-Intervention Michael F. Scheuer (born 1952) is a former intelligence officer for the Central Intelligence Agency, American blogger, author, foreign policy critic, political analyst, and former adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies. One assignment during his 22-year career was serving as Chief of the Bin […]

Michael Scheuer’s Non-Intervention

ProtonMail Encrypted Email Swiss PrivacyData Security and NeutralityProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland and all our servers are located in Switzerland. This means all user data is protected by strict Swiss privacy laws. End-to-End EncryptionAutomatic Email SecurityAll emails are secured automatically with end-to-end encryption. This means even we cannot decrypt and read your […]

ProtonMail Encrypted Email

Information is Beautiful Infographics Data, information, knowledge: we distill it into beautiful, useful graphics & diagrams. Founded by David McCandless, author of two bestselling infographics books, Information is Beautiful is dedicated to helping you make clearer, more informed decisions about the world. All our visualizations are based on facts & data: constantly updated, […]

Information is Beautiful Infographics

PACER Electronic Court Records Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is an electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information online from federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts, and the PACER Case Locator. PACER is provided by the Federal Judiciary in keeping with its commitment to providing […]

PACER Electronic Court Records

Nassim Taleb's Fooled By Randomness Author of the INCERTO a philosophical and practical essay on uncertainty (Skin In the Game, Antifragile, The Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness, and The Bed of Procrustes), a (so far) 5-volume”investigation of opacity, luck, uncertainty, probability, human error, risk,and decision making when we don’t understand the world, expressed in […]

Nassim Taleb’s Fooled By Randomness Goodhart’s law is an adage named after economist Charles Goodhart, which has been phrased by Marilyn Strathern as “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” One way in which this can occur is individuals trying to anticipate the effect of a policy and […]

Goodhart’s Law