Michael Ramirez Droning the ConstitutionThis entry was posted in Images and tagged #LOLGov AUMF Bill of Rights Civil Liberties Drone Strikes Extra-Legal FISA FISC Michael Ramirez Patriot Act Political Cartoon Torture US Constitution US Politics War Waterboarding
Calvin ‘Cal’ Grondahl SWAT StopThis entry was posted in Images and tagged #LOLGov Calvin Grondahl Civil Liberties Civil Rights Police Militarization Police State Political Cartoon
Watch parts 1 and 2 for free: PBS Frontline – United States of SecretsRead the transcript: United States of Secrets full transcript PBS Frontline United States of SecretsThis entry was posted in Video and tagged 4th Amendment 9/11 Civil Liberties Documentary Edward Snowden FISA FISC Frontline Glenn Greenwald NSA Patriot Act PBS Surveillance Thomas Drake War in Iraq Whistleblower William Binney
10th Amendment Center: The Path to LibertyThis entry was posted in Video and tagged 10th Amendment Center Activism Civil Liberties Liberty
Penn Jillette on Security vs LibertyThis entry was posted in Images and tagged Civil Liberties Penn Jillette Quotepic
http://pactsntl.org/docs-books-e-books.html People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance E-booksThis entry was posted in Links and tagged Archive Civil Liberties E-Books Human Rights PACTS International PACTSNTL Persons of Interest Political Dissidents Surveillance Targeted Individuals Torture
Rand Paul on the Daily Show 5-26-15This entry was posted in Video and tagged #LOLGov Civil Liberties Daily Show Filibuster Interview Jon Stewart NSA Patriot Act Rand Paul Surveillance US Presidential Election 2012