Drone Strikes

Rand Paul Filibuster
Rand Paul’s May 20 2015 10+ hour filibuster of the attempted reauthorization of Patriot Act Section 215 bulk collection of civilian phone records, contemporary to the USA Freedom act, calling for further reforms: Full Transcript Full length video: Rand Paul’s March 6 and 7 2013 12 hour 52 minute filibuster […]

Senator Rand Paul Filibuster Videos, Transcripts

Source: Josh Begley and Jeremy Scahill for The Intercept This is a labyrinth with 12 entrances and no exit. It is built on a cache of documents provided to The Intercept by a source within the intelligence community. Operators can watch their targets for hours, often from air-conditioned rooms, until they receive the order […]

Drones: A Visual Glossary