Legacy Media

Meme: “A new study shows we can get you to believe anything as long as we say ‘a new study.'”
New Study Shows…

How the government erodes your freedom under the guise of protecting you. Government creates new legislation -> which creates more actions that can be considered ‘crimes’ -> ‘Crime’ statistics increase -> Media fear mongering about increased ‘crime’ figures -> Government calls for new measures to deal with increase in crime […]
Crime Cycle

William Colby, CIA: “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
Colby on Mockingbird

SH Chambers
Comfort Zone

Pawel Kuczynski Political Cartoon Autodidact
Pawel Kuczynski Reading vs. TV

George Orwell Quotepic: “It is frightful that people who are so ignorant should have so much influence.”
Orwell on Ignorant People With Influence

Source: John Jonik
Propaganda for Government Control of Internet

Patrick LaMontagne