For Liberty Movie: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty in the 2008 and 2012 US Presidential elections. For Liberty – The Ron Paul Revolution MovieThis entry was posted in Video and tagged Activism Documentary Grassroots Individual Liberty Libertarian Liberty Movie Ron Paul US Presidential Election 2008 US Presidential Election 2012
Penn Jillette: Why I Am A LibertarianThis entry was posted in Video and tagged Interview Libertarian Libertarianism Penn Jillette Political Theory Reason
Source: Miss Liberty’s Film & Documentary World Film and Documentary WorldThis entry was posted in Links and tagged Archive Documentaries History Libertarian Libertarianism Movie Reviews Movies Self-Ownership
Source: Goodreads Libertarian Book ListThis entry was posted in Links and tagged Anarchism Books Conservatism Libertarian Libertarianism Political Theory
Julie Borowski LibertarianThis entry was posted in Images and tagged Julie Borowski Libertarian Libertarianism Quotepic Taxes Welfare Welfare State