
Thomas Jefferson Quote: “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propogation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”
Tyranny of the Treasury

As it turns out, the nature of the physical world favors the free movement of people to self-organize and self-govern without the interference of external command-and-control structures … … politicians routinely chisel into stone thousands of new laws each year on countless promises that they can improve societal conditions. And […]
Chaos Gets A Bad Rap

Source: Goodreads
Libertarian Book List
Strike the Root Journal of Liberty
Law & Liberty Book Reviews

Source: is a project of the CATO Institute.

Lisa Benson
Meddling in the Free Market

Source: The Mises Institute, founded in 1982, is an educational institution devoted to advancing Austrian economics, freedom, and peace in the classical-liberal tradition. For over 30 years the Mises Institute has provided both scholars and laymen with resources to broaden their understanding of the economic school of thought […]
Ludwig Von Mises Institute

Source: Welcome to the global liberty community! For all of us here, this is a dream come true. The dream was born just over a year ago. The results are before our eyes. This fact makes the point. We can do things that change the world. The […] Liberty Social Networking

FEE Foundation for Economic Education
Real Heroes of Liberty

1. Herbert Spencer Recommended reading: Social Statics A polymath, Herbert Spencer was originally known for his writing on biology. He coined the phrase “survival of the fittest,” used to describe the process of natural selection. Spencer rose to prominence by extending the lessons of biological evolution to politics and sociology. […]
7 Lesser-Known Classical Liberal Thinkers

YAL promo video (Young Americans for Liberty)
YAL Promo

Amidst the worst of times, three bold women banished fear. They dared to declare that collectivism was evil. They stood up for natural rights, the only philosophy that provided a moral basis for opposing tyranny everywhere. They celebrated old-fashioned rugged individualism. They envisioned a future when people could again be […]
3 Women of Libertarianism

Source: Libertarian Girl
Thomas Jefferson on Liberty

Source: Wiley Miller,
The Center for Government Bureaucracy Center

Source: Miss Liberty’s Film & Documentary World