Spreading Democracy

Source: Steve Nease
Politicians on Soldiers vs Veterans

Joe Brown
You Pay The Tab

Political Cartoon: Who Wants Change?
Who Wants Change?

Source: Scott Adams
Dilbert on Prohibition

Matt Wuerker
Matt Wuerker Perpetual War Inc Political Cartoon

Source: Joe Heller
U.S. Military Twister

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers Too Big to Jail

SH Chambers
Comfort Zone

Fake News Political Cartoon Signe Wilkinson
Fake News Political Cartoon Signe Wilkinson

Source: Clay Bennett
Pretense for War

Lisa Benson
Meddling in the Free Market

Nancy Pelosi famously ripped her copy of Donald Trump’s speech and mockingly clapped at him during his 2020 State of the Union Speech. This meme replaced the pages that contained the speech with a copy of the Constitution.
Pelosi Rips Constitution @ SOTU

Wiley Miller
Lobbyist Entrance Political Cartoon

Source: Gary Varvel
National Debt Babies

Political Cartoon by Nate Beeler: NSA Surveillance Vacuum