Robert Ariail
One Nation Under Drones

https://archive.org/details/citizenfour.2014 https://citizenfourfilm.com/ CITIZENFOUR is a real life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving audiences unprecedented access to filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s encounters with Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass indiscriminate and illegal invasions of privacy by the National […]

Source: FAS.org\
Rand Paul Patriot Act Filibuster Complete Transcript

Source: ‘Ring the Alarm: Laura Poitras Discusses Suing the US Government’ by Marlow Stern for The Daily Beast The Oscar-winning director of Citizenfour opens up about NSA spying, Chelsea Manning, Obama’s ‘terrible legacy,’ and more. Let’s talk about your blockbuster AT&T/NSA story in the Times. Since it came from the […]
Laura Poitras Print Interview 8-18-15

Watch parts 1 and 2 for free: PBS Frontline – United States of SecretsRead the transcript: United States of Secrets full transcript
PBS Frontline United States of Secrets

Political Cartoon NSA Surveillance Vase by ‘Kap’ Jaume Capdevila
NSA Surveillance Vase

Surveillance double standard NSA political cartoon.
NSA Surveillance

Source: The World Says No To Surveillance in the New York Times MOSCOW — TWO years ago today, three journalists and I worked nervously in a Hong Kong hotel room, waiting to see how the world would react to the revelation that the National Security Agency had been making records […]
Edward Snowden NYT Op-Ed 6-4-15

Source: The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/04/06/john-oliver-interview-political-disengagement-american-public/ Oliver’s overall discussion is good (and, naturally, quite funny), but the specific point he wants to make here is misguided. Contrary to what Oliver says, it’s actually not surprising at all that a large number of Americans are unaware of who Snowden is, nor […]
John Oliver Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden

Don’t Spy On Me Gadsden flag meme
Don’t Spy on Me Gadsden

Source: DemocracyNOW! Part 1 of the Assange interview begins at 11:05: Part 2 of the Assange interview begins at 13:25:
Julian Assange Interview on DemocracyNOW! 5-28-15

Source: DemocracyNOW!
Glenn Greenwald on DemocracyNOW! 6-1-15

Political Cartoon by Nate Beeler: NSA Surveillance Vacuum
NSA Surveillance Vacuum

Steve Breen
Mark Twain Wiretap

By Suzanna Andrews Source: MORE
Whistleblowers’ Lawyer Jesselyn Radack

Rand Paul’s May 20 2015 10+ hour filibuster of the attempted reauthorization of Patriot Act Section 215 bulk collection of civilian phone records, contemporary to the USA Freedom act, calling for further reforms: Full Transcript Full length video: Rand Paul’s March 6 and 7 2013 12 hour 52 minute filibuster […]
Senator Rand Paul Filibuster Videos, Transcripts

Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and Edward Snowden see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil political cartoon by Patrick Chappatte for the International Herald Tribune.