
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or […]
Surveillance Self-Defense Security Starter Pack People who contribute to the commons need you to support their work. Building free software, spreading free knowledge, these things take time and cost money, not only to do the initial work, but also to maintain it over time. Liberapay’s recurrent donations system is designed to provide a stable […]
Liberapay Creator Monetization Paywall

Source: How does LBRY benefit content consumers? Why should I bother caring? Do you watch YouTube? Imagine paying a few cents to eliminate all ads. 100% of the payment will go directly to the content creator – and they’ll still be earning more than YouTube offers, so they’ll want […] Decentralized YouTube, BitTorrent Alternative

Source: Libertarian Girl
Thomas Jefferson on Liberty

Source: The Mises Institute, founded in 1982, is an educational institution devoted to advancing Austrian economics, freedom, and peace in the classical-liberal tradition. For over 30 years the Mises Institute has provided both scholars and laymen with resources to broaden their understanding of the economic school of thought […]
Ludwig Von Mises Institute

Friedrich Nietzsche quotepic: “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
Nietzsche on the Individual

Source: Miss Liberty’s Film & Documentary World Film and Documentary World

Source: is a project of the CATO Institute.

Meme: Anything Government Gives You Was Taken From Somebody Else
Creator of Nothing

Source: Personalized education. Everyone learns in different ways. For the first time in history, we can analyze how millions of people learn at once to create the most effective educational system possible and tailor it to each student. Our ultimate goal is to give everyone access to a private […]
Duolingo Interactive Bilingual Self-Study About Codecademy Codecademy is an education company. But not one in the way you might think. We’re committed to building the best learning experience inside and out, making Codecademy the best place for our team to learn, teach, and create the online learning experience of the future. Education is […]
Code Academy Free Coding Lessons

Source: Gaye Levy and Jim Cobb for The logical thing, of course, would be to have maps and a compass on board at all times. The first reality is that a disaster, whether wrought by Mother Nature or man, can happen when we least suspect it. The second reality is […]
Finding Home Without a Map or Compass

Source: Do you believe that adults have the right to make their own decisions about their own lives? Do you want to live in a place where adults are treated as adults? Where people take responsibility for their own actions, lives, and dealings with others? Where community is genuine […]