For Liberty Movie: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty in the 2008 and 2012 US Presidential elections. For Liberty – The Ron Paul Revolution MovieThis entry was posted in Video and tagged Activism Documentary Grassroots Individual Liberty Libertarian Liberty Movie Ron Paul US Presidential Election 2008 US Presidential Election 2012
Ron Paul on Self-OwnershipThis entry was posted in Images and tagged Governance Quotepic Ron Paul Self-Ownership US Constitution US Presidential Election 2008
Ron Paul on the Flat TaxThis entry was posted in Images and tagged #LOLGov Flat Tax IRS Quotepic Ron Paul Taxes US Presidential Election 2008 US Presidential Election 2012
Ron Paul throws a snowball in New Hampshire 2008. Ron Paul SnowballThis entry was posted in Images and tagged Grassroots Photographs Ron Paul US Presidential Election 2008